Supporting from a safe distance

Supporting from a safe distance

The word ‘unprecedented’ has been used a lot over the past few weeks. When reflecting on April 2020 and how our home and working lives have changed, one thing has become abundantly clear – without digital platforms keeping us connected to colleagues, friends and family, the state of our business and mental health would be much worse.

It is also clear that the organisations that were digitally-enabled pre-Covid-19 are the ones that have been able to adapt quickly, without the hindrance of manual or legacy systems holding them back. Whether that’s through video conferencing (although there have been some concerns about the data privacy credentials of some platforms, as we outlined in a previous article), to using digital platforms for specific operational functions like The Compliance Space, many businesses have demonstrated an agility that will stand them in good stead when the economic landscape starts to recover.

As well as keeping businesses operational, one primary advantage of having a strong digital infrastructure is that it provides a way for businesses that previously relied on face-to-face contact to continue to support their clients at a safe distance.

As data privacy consultants ourselves, having The Compliance Space platform has enabled us to continue to provide our clients with business-critical services around data privacy and GDPR alignment. We have written before that managing data protection and responding to a breach will present bigger challenges during the current crisis. We’re able to reassure our clients – who are already grappling with the multiple operational challenges the current crisis has created – that they are adhering to their data protection obligations.

With built-in alert features throughout the platform to prompt necessary action within the client’s organisation, as well as instant access to remote support from us, we are able to assist our clients in a comprehensive and effective way. It has kept us close to our clients and them to us – something we’ve been very grateful for throughout these difficult times.

So, in a world where social distancing is set to become the ‘new normal’ for the foreseeable future - even when we’re allowed to return to work - having digital platforms that can help maintain client contact and keep business critical functions operational, will be more important than ever.

For more information on The Compliance Space, or to book a demo, contact us at

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